Tongue tie, breastfeeding issues and the chiropractor
At Little Mountain Chiropractic we regularly see newborn babies and children and utilise Cranial Techniques and Craniofacial therapy that are very gentle approaches using light pressure to stretch and ease tension around the cranium. The Breastfeeding and Tongue Tie Chiropractor will take a holistic approach and will also assess the entire spine of your child due to the interconnected nature of the tissues of the spine and the cranium.
We strongly believe in a multidisciplinary approach to breastfeeding issues, tongue-tie and other Craniofacial concerns and will always do our best to find you the support needed to obtain the best results for your family.
For families concerned about feeding and breastfeeding issues, we also recommend consulting professionals such as Bridget Ingle (Lactation Consultant & Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist) at Chermside on the north side of Brisbane, as an expert in the field of myofacial function. Bridget and other experts in the field support families with breastfeeding and orofacial concerns.
If your baby is experiencing a tongue tie or other craniofacial issues, they may have developed habits which have caused ineffectual feeding. If the baby is breastfed, these habits can at times result in breastfeeding being painful for mum.
Tongue tie surgery (otherwise known as a frenectomy) may be recommended and carried out by professionals in the field to assist in managing a diagnosed tongue tie. Chiropractors do not diagnose or revise tongue-ties, however trained Breastfeeding and Tongue Tie Chiropractors can assess children for compensations in the musculoskeletal system which may be associated with tongue-tie, breastfeeding issues or Craniofacial imbalances.
The Chiropractors at Little Mountain Chiropractic all have training and experience in assessing and caring for children of all ages. We pride ourselves in providing patient centred care where your families needs always come first. We take pride in providing the best standards of chiropractic care for families of the Sunshine Coast.
If you would like to book an appointment to speak with one of our experienced Chiropractors about tongue-tie, breastfeeding issues or other concerns, please contact us here.Contributed by;Dr Mark Townsend - Chiropractor* Dr Mark Townsend has been practicing as a Chiropractor since 2005 and has owned Little Mountain Chiropractic since 2008 with his wife Dr Nicole Calder who is also a Chiropractor. All of the Chiropractors at Little Mountain Chiropractic hold five year University degrees, are registered to practice in Australia and are chiropractic providers for most health funds, including being preferred providers with BUPA and Medibank Private. They are also registered for DVA and Medicare EPC plans with GP referrals. Our practice takes great pride in the quality of care we provide to our community and strongly believe in treating everyone with the same standard of care we provide our own families.
Patients also regularly seek advice from us for back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraine with Aura and without Aura, sciatica, TMJ and jaw issues, pregnancy chiropractic, baby and children chiropractic (including feeding and tongue tie related issues) and cranial specific work (Cranio-Sacral).
The Chiropractic techniques we use include Sacro Occipital Technique, Cranial Specific Work, Diversified Manual Adjustments and Activator Instrument Adjusting. These techniques allow us to care for people of all ages. This includes newborn babies, pregnant mothers, adolescents and adults.
Tag: Breastfeeding and Tongue Tie Chiropractor